Success stories




Gentle and efficient sterilization of spices at Almi

March 2024
Highest quality and optimum taste: this is what the Austrian company Almi stands for. Among other things, Almi ensures an unmistakable taste in soups, sausage products, and other industrially produced foods with several hundred different spice blends. Almi sterilizes the raw spices itself to maintain high-quality standards at all stages of production. BHS-Sonthofen supplied the complete system, consisting of pneumatic filling, a vertical BHS sterilizer, and a horizontal BHS cooler.

Chemical recycling powers the circular economy

June 2022
Chemical recycling offers help to solve the problem of plastic pollution. Some companies have taken on this task and developed various processes to reintegrate used plastics into the circular economy. Focusing on PET (polyethylene terephthalate) as one of the top three plastics produced worldwide, these processes upcycle plastic waste into virgin grade materials. Filtration technology from BHS-Sonthofen Process Technology plays the key role in the purity of the products from which virgin PET is made.

BHS technology used for the innovative HALOSEP recycling process

February 2022
The EU wants at least 50 percent of household waste to be recycled and the rest to be used as a source of energy in waste incineration plants. However, waste incineration produces ash – a hazardous waste contaminated with salts and heavy metals that must be disposed of in special landfills, which involves long transport routes and high costs. The Danish power plant operator Vestforbraending uses the HALOSEP technology developed and patented by the Swedish group Stena Recycling, a process solution that makes it possible to dispose of ash as normal waste. In this project funded by the European Union, technology from BHS-Sonthofen is used for two steps at once.

Reactive ashes: Italy's largest energy supplier uses AVA mixers

December 2021
Fly ash, which is produced during incineration for energy generation, contains highly reactive substances such as free lime (CaO). For this reason, it must not go to landfill untreated, but must first be conditioned in a multi-stage process. In order to carry out this demanding process safely and efficiently, one of Italy's largest electricity suppliers equipped its power plant with AVA mixers from BHS-Sonthofen.

Focus on the customer: shortened delivery time for cell inserts

February 2021
Keeping downtimes to a minimum is the goal of any efficient production - which is why the replacement of parts and maintenance work should take place in the same time window if possible. This only works with a partner who puts customer requirements first. An internationally active chemical company ordered cell inserts for the BHS rotary pressure filter with a standard delivery time of eight months - but needed them a whole two months earlier. BHS made this early delivery possible to keep to the customer's schedule.

FGD gypsum: indexing belt filter deployed in Scandinavia

November 2020
BHS-Sonthofen is helping a power plant in Scandinavia transform a waste product back into a raw material: high-purity FGD gypsum with a residual moisture content of 10% (90% solids) can be resold directly to the construction materials industry. Since 2007, the power plant has been operating a flue gas cleaning system that uses a BHS indexing belt filter (BF). An additional filter has now been ordered. The combustion processes produce flue gas that is contaminated with sulfur compounds. Milk of lime is used to remove the sulfur compounds. Gypsum slurry is produced as a by-product, the residual moisture content of which must be brought down to 10% and any corrosive compounds need to be removed. The BHS indexing belt filter performs both of these tasks using its efficient cake washing. The system has been running smoothly since it was installed.
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