Trade articles in the media

Shredding for value | BHS-Sonthofen increases output and working conditions with recycling turnkey line for e-scrap in France

May 29, 2024

Most people use electronic devices without giving much thought to the end of their lives. Envie, a French specialist in the recycling of electrical and electronic scrap, focuses on safety and sustainability. To do so, the company has two technological aces up its sleeve: a primary shredder (VSR) and a Rotorshredder (RS) from BHS-Sonthofen.

Recycling International , 3 | 2024 (May/June)

BHS-Sonthofen krijgt opdracht voor leveren BASF-batterijrecyclingfabriek

December 8, 2023

Mechanische systemenbouwer BHS-Sonthofen levert BASF een fabriek voor de mechanische opwerking van lithium-ionbatterijen tot zwarte massa. Dit is de derde grootschalige fabriek voor BHS, waarbij de eerste al meer dan een jaar met succes draait. De fabriek zal naar verwachting in 2024 in gebruik worden genomen en zal een verwerkingscapaciteit hebben van 15.000 ton gebruikte lithium-ionbatterijen en schroot uit de batterijproductie per jaar.

RECYCLING magazin , 8 december 2023

Safe long-term investment: BHS-Sonthofen receives order for BASF battery recycling plant

August 22, 2023

BHS-Sonthofen is supplying BASF with a complete line for the mechanical reprocessing of lithium-ion batteries into black mass. This marks the third large-scale plant for BHS, with the first one having operated successfully for over a year. As a result, customers can benefit from the combined experience and know-how of this machinery and plant manufacturer from the South German Allgäu region, providing them with increased investment security.

recovery , 04 | 2023

Customized recovery | Recovery of metallic fines from ASR

February 1, 2023

The recovery of metallic fines from ASR requires a customized approach. Auto shredder residue (ASR), fines from shredded electrical and electronic equipment and waste incinerator bottom ash all have one thing in common: They contain valuable metals that are worth recovering. Therefore, processing these fine materials is of high importance.

recycling today , scrap recycling | Winter 2023 | Supplement to recycling today

Recuperación de metales valiosos: alto rendimiento para un procesamiento fino mejorado

August 1, 2022

BHS optimiza la calidad de su molino de impacto de rotor con un nuevo diseno de martillo. AMBISORT Circular ofrece siempre procesos novedosos y de alto valor añadido para el sector del reciclaje. Un destacado ejemplo es la recuperación de valiosos concentrados de metales a partir de varios composites y desechos industriales, que sin duda es todo un desafío técnico.

RETEMA , 07/08-2022

BHS fine treatment process recovers valuable metals from residual materials

July 8, 2022

There is currently no way around the issue of resource saving but how can valuable materials can be recycled in the best possible way? Metals in particular are considered important scarce raw materials whose recovery is essential for the sustainable use of resources. BHS-Sonthofen offers an effective solution for metalliferous residues with a size of up to 25 mm.

recovery , 04-2022
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